27 October 2011


I decided the banner was missing something. Like it? Yesterday Jeff and I set out to finish thrifting our Halloween costumes. We managed to find him a jacket, but beyond that they're still in pieces. I'll get to that Friday when I thrift.
I am happy with my mushroomy finds. Jeff found the plate and knew well enough I would love it. I imagine the garland being a pretty yellow pop of color through my room (pretending my entire room isn't colored. I'm working on it)
As for the autumn picture, I plan to paint pretty words over it. Probably soon because that sort of thing excites me. I'll share the process of course. Now I must get back to everything school and musical related. The quicker I get everything done, the quicker I get my free time back.
Happy Thursday everyone. Find any beauties of your own this week?

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