02 April 2013

lamp turned planter

It was the most exciting thing ever (really?) when I realized what this lamp was capable of. This lamp was almost shipped away on my last "get rid of everything" spree. It's blah and smells dangerous when I actually have it plugged in. And so a planter was born! Elevated plants, ground plants, table plants, everywhere plants are all good things. This idea was inspired by this post over here. And it was easy peasy and gives everyone an excuse to by that lamp that they don't need. I didn't plan on using this lamp again so I wasn't worried about wiring and ruining it all.
Needed: Unwanted lamp, small pots without holes, and small plants.

Tips:  - To avoid future weeps, make sure you choose plants that are happy in small pots.
- These plastic pots were perfect perfect for this lamp. I found them at Target for 98 cents!
- Tighten all the important screws that keep your lamp together.

- Make sure your cat doesn't try to take it down the moment you get it together. Because then you would have to mess her up.

It's really that easy. green is the best feeling in any room.

Plants, from left to right: Sanseveria trifasciata (Gold Hahnil), Codiaeum (Croton "luna"), Philodendron scandens.


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